Monday, 28 December 2009


Great !!!
aku melakukan kesalahan, lagi
di sini aku memikirkanmu
tapi tak kusangka kau pun memikirkan akuu
dan sekarang aku hanya bisa menyesal
Minggu, 27 Desember 2009
kau mengirimkan pesan itu ke alamat fb, dan itu cukup menyentuh ...

".un,ktog'e wes ae,...
.kwe seng ngawe aggu ngeneki,...
.sejak kwe ngmong kwi,aggu pngen ktemu ro kwe,tpi mbuh ngapa kok malah wedi,,..
.aggu yo dikandhani ro dita kok neg kwe wedi bngd ro bapakmu,aggu maklum...
.agggu reti neg aggu bkan sing trbaik nganggo kwe..,mung gawe kwe nangis ae,..
.aggu reti tanda2ne..ket mbyek
a) kwe neg sms ngaggo kta sayang,pas skul...mungkin kwe rung isa sayang sepenuh'e...tur te2p aggu berjuang dmi enthug kasih sayangmu,un...but failure,im losser,..i now i loserrr... tak pantas tuk dapat kasih sayangmu,un...maap...
b)aggu rung rti kwe tertawa pas ktmu po ng beside me...aggu nyoba sithik2,tpi ktog'e gagal....
c)ditambahi aggu trlalu over thdp kwe,maapp...aggu kyo ngono kwi,krna kwe wong sing tak sayang...
wes,ditambah kwe wes ngmng mbyen wengi,sing maragke aggu nanges...rapopo...
hmmm.....ra ana mneh,sing diharapkke kok un,...
aggu wes kalah ro setan sing ana ng dirigu ki...
menurutgu,,,,kwe ki wes ra sayang neh ro aggu,,... one hundrerd percent,right?...
maaf,neg aggu mblaes lgi saiki,aggu ra rti neg kwe ngekei pesan,,,
Assalamu' for u,un...ever"

kata-kata ini nggak akan pernah terlupaa
sampai kapanpun
mengingatkan akan segala kesalahan dan kebodohanku
tapi semoga itu keputusan yang tepat

Saturday, 12 December 2009

Broken Heart

it's all about my fault
I know, I understand, I get it !!
I do love you, but I can't take any risk of it
I'm too scared of something
I'm too scared of something which is haven't done

aku menyayangimu, entah bagaimana aku harus mengungkapkan
tapi keadaan begitu sulit untukku
aku tak mampu bangkit, dan tak berani mengambil risiko
kamu terlalu berharga untukku
dan aku tak ada apa-apanya
bahkan sedikitpun tidak, (mungkin sama sekali tidak)
entah bagaimana aku harus menyatakan cinta
dan bagaimana aku harus mengatakan maafku padamuu
tapi selebihnya, terimakasih, untuk semua yang telah kamu berikan
maaf, atas keputusan sepihakku padamu
tapi inilah aku :(
dengan segala keburukanku ....
maaf, ainul :(

Sunday, 29 November 2009

first love

.tuk yg disayang..
.kalo km bner2 menyayangiku dg tulus., km buktikan..
.brikan alasan buad akku knp akku hrs mbalas prasaanmu..
.sjujurnya akku emg syg ama km, tp akku masih ada dlm dilema...

Wednesday, 27 May 2009

Story telling : Rama and Shinta

A long time ago, there was beautiful woman named Shinta. She lived in the middle of forest with her husband, Rama. And Laksmana, Rama’s brother.
          One day Shinta saw the golden deer.
          “Rama, that’s a golden deer! It’s very nice. Would you catch it for me?” said Shinta.
          “Sure Shinta! I’ll do whatever you want” answered Rama.
          “Good luck darling!”
          Then, Rama went to catch the golden deer. But, he didn’t come home for a long time.
          “Oh, why has Rama come yet? Laksmana, can you look for Rama? I’m afraid something happened to him.” asked Shinta.
          “Ok Shinta. But, you must enter this circle. And, don’t exit before Rama and I come back! This circle will protect you. Get it?”
          “Yes, I get it. Thanks Laksmana. Be careful!”
          Laksmana went to look for his brother. Few minutes later, an old man came to Shinta.
          “Uhuk uhuk… help me miss… I’m hungry… I’m thirsty… Help… Help… I haven’t eaten yet. Uhuk uhuk…” said the old man.
“What a poor man you are… come on! I’ll help you.”
Shinta felt pity on the old man; she helped the old man immediately. Unconsciously, she exited the circle. And, suddenly the old man changed into the strong giant.
          “Ha… 5x… I’m Rahwana! I’m just changed my self into an old man… … to force you get out of that circle. And … I can take you to my castle, in Alengka… ha…4x … come on Shinta! Join me!”
          “Oh no, help me Rama Laksmana help…!” shouted Shinta
          Rahwana took Shinta to Alengka. And in the forest, when Rama came home he didn’t see Shinta. He was very angry. He would like to destroy the world. However, Rama stopped him. Then, they looked for Shinta together.  
          On the journey, they met Hanuman. Actually, hanuman knew who had taken Shinta where Shinta was.
          “Hanuman, do you really know where Shinta id? Oh Hanuman please … help me!”
          “kuk-kuk kakak”
          “Hanuman, do you agree! Thanks a lot Hanuman”
          “Kaka kuku kaka kuku?”
          “Now, let’s go to Alengka. And take Shinta back.”
          After that, Hanuman followed Rama’s instruction. He went to Alengka. In Alengka, he found shinta in Angsoka park.
          “How do you can here? And, Hanuman, what are you doing?” asked Shinta.
          “Do you want to help me? Oh, thanks a lot Hanuman”
          Then, one of Alengka’s soldiers saw Hanuman. But, Hanuman didn’t know that.
          “Hey, catch him! The strong white monkey! It will take Shinta! Catch! Let’s catch him!”
          “Oh no! Come on Hanuman! Let’s go!”
          “Kuku … kuk”
          But, what could Shinta do? The soldiers had caught Hanuman. Then, he was brought to Rahwana. And, he would get the punishment.
          “Ha … 5x… what are you doing Hanuman? You will take Shinta? Do you think you can do it? Ha…5x … ok! I’ll give you a punishment; your tail will be wrapped by oily clothes, then burn. Ha…5x” laughed Rahwana.
          “Oh no Hanuman!” shouted Shinta.
          Shinta was very surprised at the punishment for Hanuman. Then, she prayed. She asked the Fire god to let hanuman still live.
With the power of the Fire god, just the top of hanuman’s tail burnt, and the rope came off. Then, he jumped on the roof by roof in Alengka. So, there was a great fire started. He went to Rama. He told what happened in Alengka.
Then, Rama, Laksmana and Hanuman went to Alengka.
“Hi Rahwana! Give me Shinta back!!” shouted Rama.
“Ha…ha…ha…what do you say Rama? Ha…ha…ha… Ok! If you want to bring Shinta, let’s have a duel!”
Rahwana died at the time Rama shook the row to Rahwana’s chest.
Shinta was very happy to see Rama come back in perfect condition, but, Rama thought that Shinta has stayed with Rahwana. Therefore, Rama didn’t conceder Shinta a holy queen anymore.
“Oh…Rama I miss you”
“No Shinta! You are not my queen! You have stayed with Rahwana. You are not a holy queen. I don’t want you anymore”
“Ok! If you think that I’m not a holy, so burnt me! Burnt me please! Laksmana burnt me!”
Then, Laksmana burnt Shinta. But, the miracle was happen. When the fire was a light, the Fire god helped Shinta come out of the fire. Shinta’s body not injured, it made her more beautiful.
The Fire god said Rama, Shinta, inside and outside, is still a holy woman. Protect her always.”said
Finally, they were happy ever after.

Name           : Uni Tsulasi Putri
Class/numb    : 9B/35

Friday, 20 February 2009

Speech : Let’s Plant Trees

The most honorable judges, the honorable teachers from Steladuce 1 senior high school, and all my beloved friends. First of all, let’s thank God for his blessing so that we all can be here in a good condition.
Ladies and gentleman,
If you think of a year later, plant a seed. If you think of 10 years later, plant a tree       
This Chinese teaching has been popular since 500 C. In that old phase, people have thought about trees. This is something ironic, for that time, numbers of trees were more than number of trees nowadays. But, as reflected by the wise words, it’s been realized that trees were important.
How could a tree be enough for ten years? The answer is because, a tree has many benefits. Basically, trees are for foods, and woods. Now, trees are also for oxygen producer, water saver, paper raw input, fresher, cooler, erosion protector, flood protector, birds (and other animals) houses; and still many more. Trees in great number are called forest. It has more benefits such as: 1) Reducing global warming. Global warming happen because of the ozon layer is broken as the result of air pollution from motorcycle and burning. Trees can absorb the dirty air so that the ozon layer keeps virgin. The less trees, the less absorbtion, the worse the global warming. 2) Trees fresher the air. Dust, CO, SO2, and other pollutes will be absorbed by other trees so that in human breathes the qualified air- which full of oxygen. 3) Trees will improve the wet atmosphere. 4) Reducing the potency of erosion especially in the terrasering area, etc.
Can you guess what happen with the extinction of forest limitation of trees? It brings a lot of sadness. In the rainy seasons, many farms area broken; roads, bridges, and houses are broken too. Flood and erossion killed many victims and brings many diseases. In the dry season, fires and smoke contribute danger and victims too.
The things above can happen because of changing of functions. Many forests are cut to be made into houses and industry center. And also with the green area in the country. They are greatly changed into housings, malls, schools, and other big buildings. We can’t imagine what will happen to our lovely earth if it’s been continue. 
            Planting trees can be started from our houses. We can start by planting fruits or herbal trees. If there’s no open land area, we can use cans or pots. Other thing that’s also important in green action is maintaining the trees. Trees need fertilizer, water, and care. Without those three important aspects, tress will die. Planting will be not enough without maintaining action. Planting and maintaining should go hand in hand so that trees will grow well. Let’s plant trees and keep them grow green and fresh. Green Indonesia!
            All right, it’s enough from me. Thank you for your attention and if I have any mistakes i’m really sorry. And good bye.
My Green School

The most honorable judjes, the honorable teachers from Steladuce senior high school, and all my beloved friends. First of all, let’s thank God for his blessing so that we all can be here in a good condition.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Have you ever been inconvenient at your school? May be yes or may be no.
            I was sureprised in the beginning of my study at SMP 9 Yogyakarta. I used to live in a very cool and green area that is in Berbah. But then, I have to stay at school which is very crowded and by Main Street that full of pollution.
Long time ago, my school was dirty. When I was at the first grade, I saw the trashes are not messy, rubbishes were not in proper place, trees and plants were yellow and weak. There was horrible thing. It happened because many students didn’t like cleanliness. For example, when they were in the break time, they throw the candy cover everywhere. How poor it is!
However, this condition is now changing. In this time, my school becomes a beautiful, green and comfortable for study. Plants and trees are being improved. In front of every class, there were plants under the responsibility of the student in the class to keep and care. By the school yard, there are many green trees. Not only that, but at my school there was also program on Sunday called ‘minggu bersih’. In one class is divided into 4 groups, there were group one for week I, group two for week II, etc. Every group will get the turn to go to school on Sunday to clean and care school surroundings. In ‘minggu bersih’ program, the activities conducted are clean up the class and care the plants in front of class.
 ‘When there is a will there is a way’ is a proverb which is appropriate for us to improve the green quality of our schools.
Ladies and Gentlemen, we should not think about our own place only; but also think of our school environment. If our school is fresh, we would be more motivated to study and finally our achievement will improved too.
My expectation is that every school in Yogyakarta become gree, coll and fresh. It can be realized by many programs such as every student is obliged to bring a pot of plent. The student must care and keep the plant they brought. And every year, school give  the appreciations to the students whose plants were green and grow well. That’s only a simple example of making school green.
            All right, it’s enough from me. Thank you for your attention and if I have any mistakes i’m really sorry. And good bye.

Sunday, 18 January 2009

Pidato pendidikan

Assalamu ‘alaikum wr.wb
Yang saya hormati bapak / ibu guru Bahasa Indonesia. Dan teman-teman yang saya sayangi. Marilah pertama-tama kita panjatkan puji syukur kita terhadap Tuhan yang maha esa karena atas limpahan rahmat dan karunianya maka kita dapat berkumpul di ruangan ini dalam keadaan sehat tanpakurang sesuatu apapun.
Para hadirin sekalian, izinkanlah saya disini menyampaikan beberapa hal penting tentang pendidikan. Sebelumnya saya ingin bertanya, apakah kalian tahu masalah apa saja yang sering terjadi dalam pendidikan di Indonesia?
Ya, ada bebearapa masalah yang sering terjadi dalam pendidikan di Indonesia. Yaitu yang pertama rendahnya kualitas sarana fisik, contohnya, banyak sekali sekolah dan perguruan tinggi kita yang gedungnya rusak, kepemilikan dan penggunaan media belajar rendah, buku perpustakaan tidak lengkap. Sementara laboratorium tidak standar, pemakaian teknologi informasi tidak memadai dan sebagainya. Bahkan masih banyak sekolah yang tidak memiliki gedung sendiri, tidak memiliki perpustakaan, tidak memiliki laboratorium dan sebagainya.
Yang kedua masalah rendahnya kualitas dan kesejahteraan guru Keadaan guru di Indonesia juga amat memprihatinkan. Kebanyakan guru belum memiliki profesionalisme yang memadai untuk menjalankan tugasnya. Bukan itu saja, sebagian guru di Indonesia bahkan dinyatakan tidak layak mengajar. Persentase guru menurut kelayakan mengajar, kelayakan mengajar itu jelas berhubungan dengan tingkat pendidikan guru itu sendiri. guru di Indonesia hanya 60% yang layak mengajar, sisanya masih perlu pembenahan. Kenapa hal itu terjadi? Tak lain tak bukan karena kurang pelatihan skill, kurangnya pembinaan terhadap kurikulum baru, dan kurangnya gaji.
Selanjutnya, rendahnya prestasi siswa Dengan keadaan yang demikian itu (rendahnya sarana fisik, kualitas guru, dan kesejahteraan guru) pencapaian prestasi siswa pun menjadi tidak memuaskan. Sebagai misal pencapaian prestasi fisika dan matematika siswa Indonesia di dunia internasional sangat rendah. Menurut Trends in Mathematic and Science Study, siswa Indonesia hanya berada di ranking ke-35 dari 44 negara dalam hal prestasi matematika dan di ranking ke-37 dari 44 negara dalam hal prestasi sains. Dalam hal ini prestasi siswa kita jauh di bawah siswa Malaysia dan Singapura sebagai negara tetangga yang terdekat. Anak-anak Indonesia ternyata hanya mampu menguasai 30% dari materi bacaan dan ternyata mereka sulit sekali menjawab soal-soal berbentuk uraian yang memerlukan penalaran. Hal ini mungkin karena mereka sangat terbiasa menghafal dan mengerjakan soal pilihan ganda.
Yang terakhir adalah kurangnya pemerataan kesempatan pendidikan. Kesempatan memperoleh pendidikan masih terbatas. Contohnya, anak-anak yang tidak mampu, mereka tidak bisa mendapat pendidikan karena mereka tidak memiliki uang untuk membayar biaya sekolah karena mahalnya biaya pendidikan.
Nah, disini saya juga akan memberi beberapa solusi untuk mengatasi masalah-masalah di atas yaitu Rendahnya kualitas guru, misalnya, di samping diberi solusi peningkatan kesejahteraan, juga diberi solusi dengan membiayai guru melanjutkan ke jenjang pendidikan yang lebih tinggi, dan memberikan berbagai pelatihan untuk meningkatkan kualitas guru. Rendahnya prestasi siswa, misalnya, diberi solusi dengan meningkatkan kualitas dan kuantitas materi pelajaran, meningkatkan alat-alat peraga dan sarana-sarana pendidikan, dan sebagainya.
Hadirin sekalian, hal diatas tidak bisa dilakukan tanpa dukungan kalian semua. Maka dari itu kita sebagai pelajar maka kita harus belajar semaksimal mungkin untuk memajukan pendidikan Indonesia di mata dunia.
Cukup sekian dari saya, bila adasalah kata saya mohon maaf yang sebesar-besarnya. Dan akhir kata,
Wassalamu ‘alaikum wr.wb