Thursday, 9 December 2010

Puisi untuk Sahabatku

Pak Komari sahabatku, bapak hendak pergi
Pergi tak berarti meninggalkan, jauh tak berarti putus
Diam tak berarti lupa, bubar tak berarti tanpa kabar
Retak tak berarti pecah, sunyi tak berarti hilang
Aku, dia, dan mereka adalah sahabatmu
Bapak adalah sahabatku, sahabat kami, dan sahabat kita semua

Ketika kerja kita tak dihargai,
maka saat itu kita sedang belajar tentang ketulusan
ketika usaha kita dinilai tidak penting,
maka saat itu kita sedang belajar tentang keikhlasan
Ketika hati kita terluka sangat dalam,
Maka saat itu kita sedang belajar tentang memaafkan
Ketika kita merasa sepi dan sendiri,
Maka saat itu kita sedang belajar tentang ketangguhan
Ketika kita harus membayar biaya yang seharusnya tidak kita tanggung
Maka saat itu kita sedang belajar tentang kemurahan hati
Pak Komari sahabatku, tetaplah semangat, tetaplah sabar, tetaplah tersenyum
Teruslah belajar, teruslah berjuang,
karena kita sedang menimba ilmu di Universitas Kehidupan
Selamat jalan untuk bertugas ditempat yang baru,
sukses dan bahagia telah menghadangmu.

Yogyakarta, Kamis 09 Desember 2010
Kardi (dad)

Friday, 24 September 2010

Speech : The Dangerous of Smoking

Smoking is not a strange word anymore in our ears. Everybody know, even they’ve tried to smoke. Most of people in Indonesia are smoker. From adults, old people, teenagers, even children that still in the elementary school. You know, that smoking is very dangerous. It can impact harms to the smoker, and the smeller of the addictive in the cigarettes.
Why is smoking dangerous? Because, smoking can impact harms to the smokers. People who are smoking everyday will break their own life, especially if smoking has been a habit for them. Because in the cigarettes, there are lots of addictive that can break our inside body, just like lung. And if our lung is break, this lung won’t work normally, and day after day, we’ll feel difficult to breath. When this disease is on the serious condition, then we can be dead.
The other harm of smoking is it can disturb other people around the smokers. People who everyday are exist besides smoker will feel uncomfortable. Why? Because of they will smell the smoke. These people called passive smoker. Although they’re not smoke, but if every day they smoke, so their lung can break, too. And these will put them in a big danger if the smokers aren’t realized their mistakes.
Those are some harms that can aroused by smoking. Smoking is dangerous for all people, although they’re adult, teenagers, children, and old people. So, don’t break your life just because you smoking.

Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Aku Amat Keciiil …, Tuhan Maha Besaaaar

·       Ketika kerja kita tidak dihargai, maka saat itu kita sedang belajar KETULUSAN
·       Ketika usaha kita dinilai tidak penting, maka saat itu kita sedang belajar KEIKHLASAN
·       Ketika hati kita terluka sangat dalam, maka saat itu kita sedang belajar tentang MEMAAFKAN
·       Ketika kita sedang merasa sepi dan sendiri, maka saat itu kita sedang belajar tentang KETANGGUHAN
·       Ketika kita harus membayar biaya yang seharusnya tidak kita tanggung, maka saat itu kita sedang belajar tentang KEMURAHAN HATI

Tetaplah semangaaaat…… tetaplah sabaaaar
Teruslah berjuang, karena kita sedang menimba ilmu di ……… “UNIVERSITAS KEHIDUPAN”

Sunday, 16 May 2010

Cerpen : Lubang Hati

Di sebuah bukit kecil duduk seorang Pria. Di kelilingi pemandangan hutan yang indah. Hamparan hijau menyelimuti seluruh hujan seperti taman eden jatuh dari surga. Para binatang saling bersahutan mengusir sunyi layaknya simpoli alam kehidupan. Laut tampak jauh di pelupuk matanya seperti permadani biru bercampur abu-abu. Sungguh pemandangan yang menakjubkan. Tetapi pria itu duduk dalam kesendirian. Tidak ada cahaya terpancar dari matanya. Tubuhnya lemas seperti batang pohon chofana di musim gugur. Seakan-akan tak ada lagi jiwa dalam dirinya. Matahari mulai hanyut, kuning kemerah-merahan membasahi seluruh hutan..  Begitu juga pria itu, Langitpun  mulai kelam di kala awan berebut menutupinya. Seperti hatinya,  tenggelam dalam kesedihan.
Semua binatang merasa iba melihatnya. Ada apa dengan pria itu. Kemudian merekapun mendatanginya dan berkata, “ Kami tak ingin melihatmu sedih. Minta saja apapun yang kamu inginkan dan kami akan berikan kepadamu ”.  Kemudian pria itu berkata, “aku ingin mempunyai penglihatan yang bagus ”. Tampak burung hering datang menghampirinya dan menjawab, “ ambil saja mataku kamu akan mempunyai penglihatan yang bagus yang kamu bisa melihat keindahan-keindahan di bumi ini. Hutan, sungai, lautan, gunung, semuanya. Sehingga kamu merasa takjub dan bahagia ”.Pria itu berkata ,“Aku ingin menjadi kuat ”. Dengan langkah penuh kekuatan dan auman yang menggetarkan jiwa-jiwa penghuni hutan singa pun menjawab, “ Aku adalah raja dari semua hutan yang ada kamu akan sekuat aku dan setiap kamu menginjakkan kaki kamu kau akan di segani di seluruh penghuni hutan ini sehingga kamu tidak akan merasa takut dan sedih ”. Kemudian pria itu berkata lagi, “ aku ingin tahu rahasia bumi.” Sang ular menjawab, ” akan aku tunjukkan padamu semua rahasia bumi yang ada sehingga kamu lebih mengerti dan tidak bersedih “.
Begitu seterusnya dengan seluruh binatang yang ada. Dan setelah pria itu dapatkan semuanya dari mereka, ia pun pergi. Lalu burung hantu berkata pada binatang lain, “ Kini pria itu tahu banyak dan dapat lakukan banyak hal, tapi tiba-tiba aku merasa takut     mjjb    “. Rusa itu berkata. “ Pria itu telah dapatkan semua yang ia butuhkan kini ia tak akan bersedih lagi “. Tapi burung hantu itu menjawab, “Tidak, aku lihat lubang di hati pria itu. Dalam sekali, seperti kelaparan yang tak pernah terisi. Bajak laut yang menemukan gunung emas. Ia akan terus mengambil semuanya. Kamu tahu betapa manisnya seteguk air ketika seorang musafir meneguknya , manis sekali sampai kedalam hati dan jiwanya. Tetapi pria itu tidak mengerti. Itulah yang membuatnya sedih dan menginginkan sesuatu. hingga suatu hari nanti dunia akan berkata aku bukan apa-apa dan tak ada lagi yang bisa kuberikan kepadamu “.

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Speech : Respect

Assalamu ‘alaikum wr.wb
We see that Human is the most perfect creature, as they were given mind and feeling. They can also choose which is good or which one is bad. But in fact, many of them do not use these benefits for good things, especially teenagers who are having unstable emotion. Many of them did big mistakes like stealing, fighting, and insulting even also to their teachers.
Recently, many students seems neglecting and not respecting their teachers. Consciously or unconsciously many of students insults their teachers. They were talking about their teachers’ weaknesses, refusing their instructions, and shouting at them. These simply show the students do not respect their teachers’ behavior. While actually, they have to respect their teachers. Why? Every people, every students will get the success if they can respect their teachers. Their teachers have given the knowledge for them. Moreover, God loves the people who can respect their teachers.
Now, in this era, students can’t respect their teachers; for example, when students come late to the class they don’t express greeting, like say “Assalamu ‘alaikum’. If students say that, it means they respect their teachers as their parents at school. Actually they know it, but they don’t do it. So, how the students should behave their teachers? First, the students should respect their teachers everywhere and every time. When students talk to teachers, students act in front of teachers, and so on. For example, at the class, when our teachers teach us, do we hear them seriously? Maybe, some of you say yes, but I’m not sure all of you, every time of the teaching and learning process, unconsciously we must be make some noise, maybe talk to friends, use the mobile phone, open the face book, etc. But you know, these are the bad thing from students that mean students don’t respect them. The students should respect their teachers by say greeting if they meet teachers, listen the lesson when they teach, appreciate teachers when they teach, and many others way.
Besides respecting teachers, students should uphold their teachers, too. Like, pray for teachers, thanks and thinks their positives, and make them proud of us. Teachers give us knowledge, so we can stand here. We’re being smart, clever, success because of teachers. Teacher’s job is really great. They change us from stupid become smart. So it’s time to payback their merit. We should respect and uphold them just like we obedient to God. Allah gives us life, beautiful body, comfortable place. But we also pray to Allah, and that’s like appreciation of thanking to Allah. And that’s why we also should give the appreciation of thanking to our teachers that give us knowledge by respect and uphold them.
Then, as students we also should forgive our teachers. When they make mistakes, or they angry with us, we should forgive them, and make it no revenge. We know, sometimes unconsciously we’re insulting and mocking our teachers just because our teachers punish us. If we have revenge, it means we’ve made a sin. Allah doesn’t like the people who have revenge to another people, especially the older people like our teachers. So if you want Allah loves you, you must respect, uphold, and forgive your teachers. Because that’s the good morals that have to do, cause Allah loves this.
Wassalamu ‘alaikum wr.wb